22 players are allowed on the field for a play, 11 on offense, 11 on defense.
22, eleven players per team.
football or soccer soccer 22 ,11 on each team football not a clue
There should be 22 players on the field 11 players from each side are allowed.
For both American football and standard football (soccer) the standard amount of players allowed for each team on the field is 11. When players are limited in American football you will see 8 man football.
During a typical play, there are only 22 players allowed on the field, 11 on each side.
its always gona be 11
7 officials and 22 players, 11 from each team
There are 11 football players on each team and there is to teams. So all together there are 22 football players on the field and 4 referees.
There are 11 players per team on the field at once. 22 players total. 1 football.