Yes. As long as the ball has not crossed the line of scrimmage, it is treated like a fumble and can be recovered by either team. Note that if the offense recovers, the down is still in effect. If it is fourth down, they would need to reach the line to gain a first down or else the ball would be turned over to the defense anyway.
If the ball travels beyond the line of scrimmage, the same rules apply as to any kicked ball. The defense can let it roll dead (which would be the same as a missed FG) or attempt to return it. If the defense touches it beyond the line of scrimmage, the offense could recover and would have a first down.
By rule, if you kick the ball during a scrimmage down, it's called a "scrimmage kick." If a scrimmage kick off the ground goes through the uprights, it's a field goal. Technically, there is no rule that defines a field goal "attempt." You don't necessarily have to "attempt" a field goal when placekicking on a scrimmage down, but if your kick doesn't go through the uprights, the same rules apply as would for a missed field goal.
If a field goal attempt is deflected by an opposing player, that deflection is considered a Blocked attempt.
It depends on why it didn't cross the line of scrimmage. A blocked kick, whether a field goal attempt or a punt, is a live ball. Either team may attempt to advance the ball (but no forward passes are permitted).A field goal attempt or punt that is kicked so poorly that it does not reach the line of scrimmage is governed by the normal rules of the type of kick, a field goal attempt is a live ball and may be advanced by either team, a punt must be touched first by the receiving team.So, if a punt or field goal attempt does not reach the line of scrimmage and is recovered by the opponent, they will receive 1st & 10 from where they recovered it (and advanced it to, if applicable).
A whole lot of skill!ANSWERIf by "Latin American football" you mean soccer or association football, there are almost no similarities between the two games. In soccer, you kick the ball down the field in an attempt to score a goal into the opponent's net. In American football, you run and pass the ball down the field in an attempt to score a touchdown in the opponent's end zone. Soccer doesn't allow use of the hands and prohibits contact; American football emphasizes ball handling and is a full-contact sport.
In American football after a touchdown you would attempt a 1 or 2 point conversion.
Yes. There is no rule specifing how far behind the line of scrimmage the kick must take place. Seven yards is usually used as it is the shortest distance behind the line of scrimmage that the kick can take place without fear of it being blocked, if the blockers do their jobs.
still at the line of scrimmage anywhere you are on the field.
Yes. In both college and the NFL, if a field goal attempt does not cross the line of scrimmage and is recovered by the kicking team, they will continue with possession of the ball. This ruling doesn't really come into play on 4th down kicks because the kicking team will lose possession of the ball on downs. But on third down, if a field goal attempt is blocked and the ball does not cross the line of scrimmage, should the kicking team recover the ball they keep possession and it will be fourth down. If the ball crosses the line of scrimmage, possession goes to the defense.
I don't believe you have to be behind the line of scrimmage. This play is a holdover from rugby where a player can attempt a drop goal at any time during play. A player, often during a full sprint, will drop the ball in front of him and as it touches the ground will kick it through the uprights for three points. Doug Flutie used this technique to score the extra point in the last play of his career. Jim McMahon, the noted Chicago Bears quarterback, used to challenge kickers to drop goal contests. Rumor has it that they soon learned that that was a good way to lose money. * As long as you're behind the line of scrimmage and the ball hits the ground before you kick it. New Answer: No the ball must be kicked from the groung Not in American football, no. All kicks must be taken from behind the line of scrimmage. Drop kicks are still perfectly legal. They're just not attempted very often anymore, mostly because the shape of the football changed to accommodate forward passes. It used to be rounder like a rugby ball and give a more reliable bounce when it hit the ground. Canadian football still allows a team to kick and recover from beyond the line of scrimmage. Any player from the kicking team can recover the ball, as long as he was level with or behind the kicker at the time of the kick. I suppose this rule would allow for a dropkick to be taken from anywhere on the field, but it's usually used at the end of tie games to punt deep and force the other team to give up a 1-point rouge.
The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at an American government.
A forward pass is when a player, behind the line of scrimmage, throws the ball to a teammate such that the ball goes 'downfield' or forward even by inches. A team may attempt one forward pass per play only. Any other means to advance the football is a 'rush' or 'run' play, even if the ball changed hands, or was thrown a long distance in a sideways or backwards fashion.
The defensive line in American football has many jobs. First is to attempt to break through the opponents offensive line in order to tackle the quarterback. Others on the defensive line are given the task of running down field with a receiver to try to intercept the ball.