By rule, if you kick the ball during a scrimmage down, it's called a "scrimmage kick." If a scrimmage kick off the ground goes through the uprights, it's a field goal. Technically, there is no rule that defines a field goal "attempt."
You don't necessarily have to "attempt" a field goal when placekicking on a scrimmage down, but if your kick doesn't go through the uprights, the same rules apply as would for a missed field goal.
it doesnt
If he is telling you that he doesnt like you and doesnt do anything to disprove that, like call you, hang with you or make an attempt to be nice to you , then he doesnt.
you could connect to your neighbors because it knows no discrimination
Anything that doesnt show how we lived or something
because a computer doesnt grow smartie
It doesnt matter how long they are, their still fingernails no matter what.
it is overwieght but it doesnt mean your fat.
all land around the river Rhine is considered Rhine land. Belgium is therefor not included, since it doesnt flow there. But part of the south of the Netherlands is
Because they're already underestimated. Nothing worse than a man who doesnt have much to loose.
the Quran [ the Islamic book] doesnt say that much about fashion so if you're a Muslim you can like fashion
they actually doesnt do anything.. considered dewan negara as rubber stamp to the dewan rakyat.. back door perhaps?
considering you used a double negative "Doesnt have no", the answer to your question is that every organ has a function otherwise it would not be there