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No. According to MLB Rule 7.05(c), the batter and all runners may advance three bases when: "a fielder deliberately throws his glove at and touches a fair ball. The ball is in play and the batter may advance to home base at his peril."

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Q: If you throw your baseball glove at a ball during the game and catch it is it an out?
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How do catch and throw a softball?

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Does a left handed glove go on your left hand or does that mean if you are left handed get this glove?

If you are left handed, you throw the baseball with your left hand, so in this case the left handed glove goes on a left handed persons right hand so they catch with glove on right hand and then pull the ball out of mitt and throw with left hand. - It means if you are left handed get this glove but you will wear it on your right hand.

What do you do in baseball?

you hit the ball with a bat and you catch the ball with the glove and you throw the ball with your arm. sounds complicated, i know

How are soft balls used?

To play the sport of softball. You can throw, catch (in a glove), or hit them (with a bat).

How do you use a baseball?

You throw it, hit it, catch it, and field it

What is a real life example of using accuracy and precision?

When throwing a baseball, you want to throw it accurately into the catcher's glove. Your precision is how closely you throw the ball into or around that same spot in his/her glove.

What are the qualifications to play baseball?

Know how to catch throw and hit

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What baseball players throw out?

broken baseball bats,emty water bottle,worn out glove,mest up baseball,broken helmet

What are the two ways a fielder is not allowed to catch a ball?

I think one way is to throw a glove or any part of the uniform at it!?!?!?

How do you make a good player on mlb the show08?

throw out your ps3 or xbox purchase a baseball glove and baseball bat and play baseball without pressing (X)

Will the type of glove you wear affact how far you throw?
