all of the public paintball fields will not let you do anything without a paintball mask baggy clothing. old jeans, long sleeve shirt, anything old that you dont mind getting dirty.
you should get a paint rpg its awsome and laser pistols dont reach that far
You should let the clothes dryer vent, a few hours a day because if you dont you can get it damaged and it will cost a fortune to buy a new one or cost you money to get it fixed if you dont sort it right.
Where Are Your Clothes' And That Would Be Right Cause It Is The Right Answer To Answer. If You Dont Know Go Back To Third Grade! Where are your clothes, because clothes is more than one.
I dont ow
yo dont need one
You have to go to a licensed field and rent equipment. You MUST have a paintball specific mask to play. No welding helmets, riot helmets, sunglasses, air soft goggles, ski goggles, ballistic goggles, Only paintball specific masks. Other then that, many people just play in jeans and a tshirt.
It doesn't really matter how many clothes you have. As long as they fit. ; i agree just dont spend all your money on clothes
Please dont put roblox stuff under paintball it just makes me tick sorry
there hidden in words or clothes or there face i dont think you can? i mite not be right
What clothes
I dont think you need a permit but I believe you need to be over 16 to purchase one and should be 12+ to use one.