As long as a player doesn't touch the ball after the siren sounds the basket is good.
A siren.
A siren goes through electrical energy to sound energy transformation. When electricity is supplied to the siren, it vibrates to produce sound waves in the air.
Valerie Waugaman goes by Siren.
Alison Paton goes by Siren.
you can take a siren from a home security device, not a speaker but a siren cause a siren works of voltage and a speaker works of wattage. take a battery that is capable of working the siren then just put the the siren in series with the battery and then take the two wires and put one on the open side of the battery and the other wire on the open side of the siren. If the siren goes off there is continuity between the two wires your testing if the siren dont then there is no continuity.... good luck..
It is called a lip out.
Tough, but it is out.
music take me to the ground
In basketball, a substitution is when one player goes in for another.
They send out sound waves and it goes and bounces off their prey and then they can find it.
Maria Sharapova goes by The Siberian Siren, and Sibirskaya Sirena.
You could see how high it bounces, how far it rolls, or how far it goes.