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Q: If the ball touches the line that borders the court it is what?
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Is it over and back if a person comes from front court to back court and just touches the ball?

no, that would be a back court violation one may not go across the mid line of the court and then go back The violation only occurs if the ball has crossed into the front court

How is a ball determined to be out in tennis?

If the ball touches the line, it's considered fair play or in bounds.

What are the volleyball had signals?

4 touches on one side, step over serving line, touches ball before it goes out, ball goes out on other side

The line on the side of the volleyball court?

it is the out of bounce line, if the top of the ball hits the line, the ball is in

What is cross court in tennis?

Cross court is more commenly known as back-courtHere is a quick definition:Backcourt violation or over & back violation- violation that occurs when the offensive team has brought the ball into the frontcourt, returns the ball into the backcourt once it has positioned itself in the front court: the offensive team crosses the half court line and then crosses back into the back court.As soon as a player from that team touches it in the backcourt , the ball is dead and is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in.For more info go

Is the line in tennis in or out?

Badminton lines are in :D if it gos out of the lines it is obliviously out and if it is in the lines then it is in! any help? what if it lands on the line and bounces? Define "goes in "and "goes out". Is that where it comes to rest after a bounce?

In kickball if your standing on line waiting for your turn will you get out if the ball touches your leg?

No it won't be an out

When is it out in basketball?

In the game of basketball it is out when either the ball is bounced on the line or anywhere in the out of bounds area or when u have the ball and any part of you body (or ball) touches the line or goes over the line. Hope this helps!!

What is line ball in volley ball?

The order in which the players are on the court.

When do you in bound the ball on the side line?

when the ball goes out of bounds on the side line it is inbounded from the nearest point where it left the court by the team that did not touch the ball last when the ball left the court.

If the returner of a kickoff touches the ball on the 1 yard line then bobbles the ball and it goes into and out of the endzone who's ball is it and where is it placed?

It is a fumble when the ball is bobbled and a touchback when it goes out of the endzone. It is placed on the twenty yard line.

What does out of bounds mean in basketball?

Out of bounds in basketball is passed the line at the end of the court. If a person with the ball stands out of bounds the other team gets the ball. Someone on Team A is on offence (they have the ball) and someone on Team A knocks the ball out of bounds, Team B gets the ball. But if Team A was on offence and Team B knocks the ball out of bounds, Team A keeps the ball.