Yes, this is covered by MLB rule 5.09(a): "The ball becomes dead and runners advance one base, or return to their bases, without liability to be put out, when -- (a) A pitched ball touches a batter, or his clothing, while in his legal batting position; runners, if forced, advance"
Hit by pitch (HBP) or hit batsman(HB).
HBP...hit by pitch.
The fastball is the pitch most thrown and most hit in baseball.
It is listed as HBP (hit by a pitch). This is similar in results to a walk (or, as it's officially called, a base on balls), but not identical.
HB means hit batsmen: the names of the batters the pitcher has hit by a pitch. HBP means who the hit batsmen are.
In baseball, Hit By Pitch
He was hit by a pitch in the head i believe
According to Baseball Reference, in the 2007 season there were 942 batters hit by a pitch in the National League and 813 batter hit by a pitch in the American League.
4 balls or hit by a pitch.
No, it is called a 'hit by pitch' and shows up in the box score as HBP.It is similar to a walk in that the batter is awarded first base.