HB means hit batsmen: the names of the batters the pitcher has hit by a pitch.
HBP means who the hit batsmen are.
BP on your bank statment stands for Bill Payment
Brass Plum: brass was a favorite of a Nordstrom wife.
british petroleum
BP when placed before or after a number the P means years before the present. There is some trouble in using BP in the present year as it is not understood.
With reference to chemical substances, the acronym BP would mean boiling point.
"BP" is a very common misspelling of the word "NO". According to a number of big acronyms and abbreviation databases, "BP" does not stand for anything related to Texting or SMS:ing
your diastolic bp, briefly, is your heart intake bp, the lower number, which should be +- 80.
British Petroleum
Blood Pressure also British Petrol
It means the answer is -11p.
BP frame IIRC