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yes, because its not actually a pass or anything, they were just blocking. so the same person is able to pass the ball

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Q: If a player blocks the ball and it rebounds back on the players side of the court can the same player hit the ball again in volleyball?
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Henriette Weersing is the prominent volleyball player.

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I am a famous Volleyball player and so is Mr. Meadows.

Are volleyball players rude?

Volleyball players in particular are not rude, but it's their personality. Have you ever seen someone who is NOT a volleyball player be rude? For instance, I play volleyball and I would not consider myself rude.

How many player play in volleyball?

Well if you are talking about playing,, then 6 players play on the court at one time

How many player is on the volleyball?

Normally players are not on the volleyball. However, if you meant to say how many players are on a volleyball court, then the answer would 6 on each team (there are 2 teams- just in case you didn't know)

What is the name of player who play Beach volleyball?

One famous beach volleyball player is Misty May Treanor. Also Kerri Welsh is a famous beach volleyball player. Holly McPeak is a famous beach volleyball player. Add on if you know any more beach volleyball players!

Why do athletes become Olympic volleyball players?

Becoming an olympic volleyball player will be a great experience for young players who are devoted to the sport. It will bring you happiness to something you love.:)

How much does a professional volleyball player earn?

It depends on what team they play for, and how good they are. I'm sure that volleyball players earn lots of $$$, especially if they're one of the best players. :)

Volleyball player per team?

there is 6 players always on the court, however, you can have upwards of 12 players on the team

What is a lineup in volleyball?

The order in which players serve. The position each player has when the play begins.

Who is the better basketball player demarcus cousins or john wall?

the answer is based on your opinion.john is better in steals ,assists ,and points ,but demarcus is better in blocks and rebounds=)

Do volleyball players make good money?

One season salary of top 5 volleyball player is about $400 000 - $700 000.