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If the goalkeeper catches the ball and if the entire ball crosses the line, it is deemed a goal.

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Q: If a goalie catches a ball and fall back into the goal is that a point?
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Which sport needs the least grip?

Probably soccer or futbol because the only time the ball is ever gripped by a player is when either the ball is being thrown back inbounds or the goalie catches the ball to prevent a goal.

Is it a foul when a player from team A passes the ball back to his own goalie and the goalie then kicks it into play?

no, the goalie can kick the ball. He cannot pick it up though.

What is it called when the defence puts the ball into play in soccer?

when the ball goes out and the goalie kicks it its called a goal kick. When the goalie catches it and kicks it its called a punt.

Could you ever kick the ball to your goalie?

Yes, you can kick the ball to your goalie/goal keeper. However, if you kick your ball into your net, your team will be very mad at you because you will have given the other team a point. If you are kicking to goalie, make sure the goalie can catch the ball in order to kick or throw it far away from your goal.

How do you get penalties in FIFA 08?

Make sure there are no defenders around you and make sure the goalie is off his line. Then the goalie is gonna try and get the ball. Turn backwards so the ball is away from the goalie. The goalie will miss the ball and get you. You might be lucky enough to get him a card or if you want an easy scoring chance move back.

When the goalie catches the ball can the player run up and kick it in the goal?

No. Once a goalkeeper establishes control of the ball, no opposing player may interfere with goalkeepers ability to release the ball back into play. Bouncing the ball and catching prior to kicking or throwing is not considered release it into play. However, if the keeper loses control of the ball, it may be played by any player.

What is goalies ball in soccer?

when the keeper or goalie is in possession of the ball after being received from a back pass or saving a shot

What happens when the center sends the ball to the quarter back?

Hopefully, he catches it.

What determines whether a goalie kicks or punts the ball?

If the ball goes wholly and completely over the goal line - but NOT in the goal - and is last touched by the attacking team - it is a goal kick from the 6 yard line. If the goalie catches the ball and controlls it off of the ground - then he can then throw or punt it - it is his choice!! And if the goalie accidentally throws or punts it into his own goal - it is NOT a goal - it is a corner kick - because goalie punts are indirect and must touch another player before going into ANY goal!!!! If the goalie punts it and it bounces off another player and THEN goes it his own goal - it is a goal!!!!!

What running back keeps every TD ball he catches?


If the goalie touches the ball can the team on offense kick it?

Not if the goalie has a hold of the ball with both hands. Otherwise yes.

Can a goalie pick up a ball that is headed back to him by his own teammate?

A goal keeper may not touch with his hands a ball directly thrown-in to them by a team-mate. If they do, then an indirect free kick is awarded at the location it was touched.