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Q: If a basketball player hits three point shots 45 percent of the time what is the chances if she takes four shots during a game that she misses the first shot and hits the last three?
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A basketball player makes free throws 88 percent of the time Find the probability that he misses on the first shot and makes the second shot?

Without any other information, I would have to say: 69%.

What if your team mate shoots the basketball she misses and you come up with the ball first what is this known as in basketball?

That's called a offensive rebound.

A basketball player makes free throws 88 percent of the time Find the probabilty that he misses his first shot and makes his second?

I just know that guys free throw percentage is really good

What is a putback in basketball?

When someone misses it, then another player "puts it back" while it is still in the air.

What is an air ball?

An air ball is, in the game of basketball, a thrown ball which misses the target and fails to touch the net or hoop, or, by extension, any ball which widely misses its target when thrown.

When a shot in basketball does not hit anything it is called?

Its called an air ball because it soars in the air as it misses the net.

Basketball player Chauncey Billups of the Detroit Pistons makes free throw shots 88 percent of the time Find the probability that he misses his first shot and makes the second?

10.56% The probability that he misses his first shot is 12%. The probability that he makes the second shot is 88%. The probability of missing the first shot and making the second shot is 12% * 88%, or 0.12*0.88*100.

What happens to scout during the pageant?

Scout misses her que.

What does a basketball player say when he misses a shot?

wow im such an idiot why would anyone want to be seen with me im such a loser...

Bill was throwing darts at the fair. He hit a balloon 14 times which was 70 percent of his throws. How many attempts did Bill try in total How many misses did he have?

20 attempts, 6 misses

How do you spell misses in the phrase Daddy misses you?

Misses is correct.