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To the untrained eye and to people new to the sport, watching Lacrosse on TV could be difficult, afterall, the ball is only 7.75- 8 inches in circumference and the field is 110 yards long by 55 yards wide with two goals measureing 6 ft by 6 ft and the ball can move at speeds in excess of 100 mph. No wonder, lacrosse is called the fastest game on two feet.

However, if you understand that lacrosse offense and defense is similar to that of Basketball then you may have an easier time watching. A couple things to know 1) typical lacrosse offense formations are a 2-2-2 i.e. 2 attackman beind the goal, 1 middie and 1 attack man in front of the goal and 2 middies above the goal, or , 1-3-2 or 1-4-1

2) Defense is either man-to-man or zone

3) typically, the ball in lacrosse on offense is passed from player to player around the perimeter of the goal. Players run with the ball in their crosse cradling it then pass it to another player who runs toward the player with the ball to receive it from them. When offense is intiated, it is typically 'off ball' movement which helps to determine who becomes open for a shot from a 'feeding' attackman or middie. Off Ball movement is achieved by setting picks or making 'v cuts' to get open so a ball can be passed to an open offensive player.

Just like basketball, lacrosse balls move from the defensive half of the field toward the offensive half of the field in what is called a clear, a pass made by a defensive player or goalie to another player who runs or passes the ball to another player toward their own goal.

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Q: I want to watch lacrosse on TV but I can't keep track of the ball how can I follow the ball?
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yes in lacrosse there is a ball used

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No, a cricket ball is much larger than a golf ball.

What is heavier a lacrosse ball or baseball?

A lacrosse ball is very different from a baseball. It is heavier and more bouncy. A baseball is light and stings when you get hit, a lacrosse ball is more of a thud since it is heavier. A lacrosse ball is not harder than a baseball, but it does hurt more when you get hit by one.

When a lacrosse ball is knocked loose is that called a fumble?

No, when a ball falls onto the ground in a lacrosse game it is referred to as a 'ground ball'.

What is a ball stop in lacrosse?

ball stop in lacrosse is a piece of foam material that has an adhesive on one side that allows it to stick to the throat area of the lacrosse head. the ball stop allows players to catch passes and have the ball not bounce off of the bottom plastic.

Circumferance of tennis ball and lacrosse ball?

6.0 cm

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What does a lacrosse ball made of?
