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Throw, a lot. Find different color T shirts and hang them somewhere. Do different things like roll to the right and throw on the run at the green shirt or the blue shirt. Throw from diffent distances and angels. But the main thing is throwing as much as possible

i would do some upper arm strength because your triceps really dtermine how far you can throw. PS, i have never played football before but all my friends say i should and play linebacker because im tall and very strong, but keep up the good wrok, football is fun!!!


I agree, throwing has to be your main "friend" if you're into all that QB's stuff.

But, do not train all alone; find a team and do it with somebody. Do not train essential elements without a coach -> sure, you will learn some techniques, maybe you will even manage to throw decently, but you won't find mistakes you do as a QB, you won't face the pressure as the blitz shows up, so you will be powerless when things stirr up...

You should also work-out with a skipping rope, that will help you learn how-to move properly as a QB.

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Q: I am a 14 year old kid who has never played quarterback but I do play football but all my friend say I'm really good at it They all play football too what could I do to get ready to play QB?
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