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Practice like this: Put your middle finger on the middle of the seam of the ball. Lie down on your back and use only that hand to toss the ball in the air. When the ball is straight like that, you can tell if you have proper backspin. When you release the ball, make sure it rolls off your fingers.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Shooting a Basketball is all about using proper mechanics. First off, you will want to make sure you understand what "BEEF" means. Beef stands for Balance, eyes, elbow, follow through. When shooting a basketball you want to put your strong arm into a "L" shape while resting the ball on your fingertips. You should have a little gap between the ball and your palm. Now, I just stated what BEEF is. First we want to square our feet to the basketball and make sure we have good balance. If you're right handed your right foot should be slightly in front of your left foot and vis versa. Now that you have good balance you want to go to your elbow. As i stated, you want your arm to be in an L shape with the ball resting on your fingertips. Your elbow should be directly under the ball. You do not want it poking out awkwardly. If your elbow is going to the side that's what we called a chicken wing and you want to fix that. Now on to eyes. Your eyes want to be focused on either the front or back of the rim. Follow through in my opinion is the most important aspect of having a good shot. When you shoot, you do not want to throw or "push" the ball towards the basket. You want to bend your legs and bring down your elbow. When you rise to shoot you want to bring your elbow straight up and flick the ball backwards to give it good arc and good rotation. Now, when the ball is released your arm should be pointed straight up and your hand pointing down. This is your follow through. To know if you're shooting correctly you need to look and make sure your follow through is not in a straight line towards the basket. If your follow through is going straight towards the basket or in front of you that would mean you have a flat shot and not enough arc. If you practice these tips I can ensure your shot will be more consistent and it will help you score more.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

work on it and shoot close then work your way back

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βˆ™ 13y ago

i can have a hot streak and make like seven 3 pointers in a row, but then when im cold ; i miss everything or maybe 1 or 2 outta 10.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

You need to practice a lot if you want to become a better shooter in basketball.

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How To Shoot a basketball?

To shoot a basketball you have to bend your knees and push up with your right hand and jump.

What is done with a basketball?

With a basketball you can shoot, dribble, and pass.

What is the place where people shoot a basketball?

a Basketball Court.

What does it mean when a guy says he can teach you to shoot?

it usually just means he wants to help you shoot a basketball, or shoot a gun. Hopefully its the basketball.

What is the form way to shoot a basketball?

the best way to shoot a basketball is to keep your knees bent and elbows in

When do you need explosive strength in basketball?

When you jump to shoot the basketball.

What arc in basketball?

The arc in Basketball is when you shoot the ball into the hoop. When you shoot it should be an arc shape. When it's an arc shape there is a higher chance of the basketball to go in the hoop.

What arc is in basketball?

The arc in basketball is when you shoot the ball into the hoop. When you shoot it should be an arc shape. When it's an arc shape there is a higher chance of the basketball to go in the hoop.

Why does it matter the way you shoot a basketball?

If you shoot it wrong you will probably miss