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Running a fast 40 yard dash doesn't happen by accident. It's a coordinated process that involves strength, flexibility and practice. In this article we're going to cover three basic exercises that will help lower your 40 yard dash time. Before you attempt any of these drills make sure you are warm and have stretched accordingly. None of these exercises should be done more than twice a week.


Probably the best exercise for improving overall speed, starting power and stride length is stair running. Don't confuse this with stair marathon sessions. Take your time and rest in between sets (at least 1 minute). This is not a cardiovascular exercise - this is a speed exercise.

The key is quick burst, lasting no more than 8 seconds. The stairs or incline should be between 20-35 degrees. Focus on staying on the balls of your feet and driving your knees high, toward the sky. Also, keep your head looking forward, not down. The lighter you are on your feet the more you will engage your fast twitch fibers.


Though a bit tricky, bounding is a fun way to improve overall leg power and enhance stride length. This plyometric drill requires that you run at a moderate pace, but drive the front knee upward so that the thigh reaches a parallel position with the ground. Each step, concentrate on exploding, or jumping out and up. Proper bounding should look like a bouncy run with longer than normal strides. It's good to have a coach or friends watch your form if you haven't bounded before.

Jumping Rope

Believe it or not, jumping rope is a very popular exercise among many professional athletes. Former stars like Barry Sanders and Hershel Walker swear by the benefits accrued from jumping rope. This is a rapid fire exercise. To improve your 40 yard dash through jump rope each repetition should be no longer than 30 seconds. You want to stay on your toes at all times. Your heel should never, ever, touch the ground. Make sure that your knees have a slight bend, but not too much. You want your calves to burn!

Brian Norgard is the President of Function Training LLC. Function is the publisher of the 4.3 Training Manual, which specializes in coaching athletes for the 40-yard dash. To decrease your 40-yard dash time, visit:

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well first of all, you need to know what your improving. Are you improving speed while running it or or speed for your start.

For your actual run, you need to start by running a lot. I mean like at least half a mile evey day of solid sprinting. Get your body in that type of shape. Cut the junk food out. That's just giving yourself nothing to run on.

For your start, you should practice "chopping your feet" Its what football players do to practice blocking and closing in on people. Bend your knees, widen your stance a bit, and stomp your feet as fast as you can. This will help your legs suddenly start to move which will give you a better start for your 40. Practice jumping higher, because that will help push you into your acceleration mode. And finally, practice your explosion. Its a combination of chopping feet and jumping. Its basically bursting out.

This will help your 40 time. Well, hopefully.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

To run faster , you need to do agility drills , gain more stamina , fix your stance , and gain more strength in your lower body.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Anything 7.1 and below is considered "good", with 6.9 and under "very good".

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You train more

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βˆ™ 15y ago

try running faster

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