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Impossible to say. Such statistics are not collected.

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Q: How old was the youngest boy to dunk a basketball?
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Can a 15 year old girl dunk a basketball?

No, only guys can dunk, girls are too small and wimpy.

How old is the youngest boy on Disney channel?

the youngest boy is off of shake it up and he's 9.

How old was the youngest play wirter?

The youngest published playwright was 17 years old, a boy named Craig J. Nevius.

What is the youngest miner to die?

an 8 year old boy

How old is the youngest boy from mindless behavior?

I think 13 or 14

What is the youngest age for a basketball player?

I believe the youngest ever player to enter the NBA was Andrew Bynum of the Lakers. He was 17 years old when he made it.

Who is the oldest person to dunk a basketball on a 10 football goal?

For a male, he should be dunking a 10 foot tall basketball goal at a maximum height of 6 feet 7 inches tall. And for a female, she should at least be able to dunk a 10 foot tall basketball goal at 8 foot tall.

Who is Kieran Shotter?

One of the youngest basketball officials in the UK! He officiates small Basketball games in Reading,England and was 12 years old when he started.

Who is the youngest person ever arrested and charged with a criminal offense?

Jordan brown is the youngest person to be sentenced to life without parole for killing his father's fiancee

How old was the youngest boy in World War 1 from Australia?

12 years of age

Who is the oldest known person to dunk a basketball?

Donald Charuba at 6'3 1/2 '' in a Masters Game at 53yrs old.

What is the height of the basketball rim for 11 year old boy?

10 feet.