As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Nate Stupar is 26 years old.
Nate Stupar plays for the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Nate Stupar plays Line Back for the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Nate Stupar is number 54 on the Jacksonville Jaguars.
NFL player Nate Stupar is 6'-01''.
NFL player Nate Stupar played for Penn State.
NFL player Nate Stupar weighs 240 pounds.
Nate Richert is 39 years old (birthdate April 28, 1978)
Nate Evans is 62
As of the 2014 MLB season, Nate Freiman is 27 years old.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Nate Schierholtz is 30 years old.
Nate Silver is 39 years old. He was born on January 13, 1978.
Nate Mendel is 49 years old (birthdate: December 2, 1968).