Nate Mendel is 49 years old (birthdate: December 2, 1968).
Nate McMillan is 47 years old (birthdate: August 3, 1964).
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Nate Garner is 29 years old.
Singer-songwriter Nate Ruess (of Fun) is 35 years old. (born February 26, 1982).
Nate Robinson is 33 years old (birthdate: May 31, 1984).
Nate Robinson was born on May 31, 1984.
4-months old
nate Robinson is 5ft11
Assuming you mean Nate Robinson (the basketball player) he's currently 33
Nate Robinson was born on May 31, 1984
Nate Robinson plays for the Boston Celtics.
Nate Robinson was born on May 31, 1984.
Nate Robinson makes $2,020,178 as a salary.
Nate Robinson was born on May 31, 1984.
Nate Robinson is Number 4 on the New York Knicks