Christiano Ronaldo stated that he became a father on July, 3rd 2010. This is under assumption when his son was born.
Cristiano Ronaldo is 25 years old.
Cristiano Ronaldo's son was born in July of the year 2010. He was born in the United States.
Christiano Ronaldo is not legally married, but he has a son by a American waitress.
fredy loza ronaldo is his son and is 10000000000000000... times better than him
Cristiano Ronaldo is 32 years old (birthdate: February 5, 1985).
Cristiano's son was named after his father. His name is Cristiano.
It is a tribute to his son.
Christiano Ronaldo has a son from a waitress.
Cristiano Ronaldo started playing soccer since he was 3 years old :)
Not married
He was 19 years old.
cristiano ronaldo is 25 years old. he was bornFebruary 5th, 1985.