Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985
cristiano ronaldo is 25 years old. he was bornFebruary 5th, 1985.
12 and 20
about age of 10
He went pro at the age of 16.
He left school at the age of 13.
at the age of 18 he started to play soccer
Christiano Ronaldo started at the age of 16 with Sporting Lisbon.
he is 25 yrs old. born 5th, February, 1985
Christiano Ronaldo started playing football , when he was around ten years old.
Cristiano's father died from alcoholism at age 52. Cristiano does not drink alcohol.
When Cristiano Ronaldo was 18, he signed a contract that had someone represent him for 6 years. He was 18 years of age when this happened