Alex Rodriguez is 41 years old (birthdate: July 27, 1975).
No, Alex Rodriguez is alive. He is 39 years old as of 2014.
I think he's 34
Alex Rodriguez is of Dominican heritage.
Alex Rodriguez is of Dominican descent.
Alex's parents are Dominican. Alex was born in New York City and then moved with his parents to the Dominican Republic when he was four years old. The family then moved to Miami, Florida.
Alex Rodriguez's agent is Scott Boras.
alex rodriguez
Alex Rodriguez has two daughters. His eldest daughter, Natasha, is four and was born on 18 November 2004, and his youngest, Ella, is one, and was born on April 21 2008.
Alex Rodriguez was born on July 27, 1975.
Alex Rodriguez's 2009 salary was $33,000,000.
Alex Rodriguez's 2010 salary was $33,000,000.