Alex Marshall is 20. His birthday is June 28th.
alex is 14 and nat is 17 alex's bithday is november 1st. nats birthday is decemder 14th
his birthday is December 14th, 1987. he will be 24
Alex Constancio's birthday is August 4th
Alex Cimorelli is currently 17. His birthday is August 30th.
In 2011 Nat is 16 but 17 in December. Alex is now 14 because his birthday is November 1.
US actor Alexander "Alex" Vincent is 36 years old (birthdate: April 29, 1981).
alex's birthday is November 1, 1997 nat's birthday is December 17, 1994
November Alex Wolff's birthday was November 1, 1997.
Alex Constancio's birthday is August 4th
His birthday is on July 30
Alex Wolff's birthday is on November 1; he was born in 1997.