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Well, you don't need any players at all in a line. The only position with a definite amount of players is the goalkeeper, with 1 player. The most common amount for a formation is 4-4-2. Four Defenders, four midfeild and 2 strikers. Any amount ca play on each line(appart from goalkeeper who need a definite one) as long as the total adds up to the whole 11 players

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13y ago
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15y ago

Only 11 players can play on the field at a time. Teams usually have many more than that for subbing. Youth league teams with players under the age of 8 usually have less players on the field due to a smaller field size.

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8y ago

Each team starts a match with eleven players on each side. Each team is also allowed three substitutions (some lower levels don't follow this law). Though 11 players start the match, a team can end up using less players due to injuries after exhaustion of substitutions, or more commonly, due to red carded players.

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10y ago

It takes 22 players to have a regulation soccer game. This would be 2 teams of 10 offensive and defensive players for each team, as well as a goalie for each team.

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14y ago

A team must field 7 players. Dropping below this number should be temporary; say if one of the 7 needs to adjust equipment. Otherwise the match will be abandoned.

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15y ago

for professional soccer, you can have 30 players as a maximum.

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9y ago

FIFA rules state the maximum number of players a team may field is 11. The minimum is 7

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