The amount of money that a football scout earns varies. This may be between $45,000 and $95,000 per year depending on the club they work for.
everyone knows how much footballers get paid and the best rightfully do. i mean try and take the ball of Lionel Messi or ronaldo and see how far you get! average footballer gets paid around 1500£ as non league players don't get paid
About 20,000 dollars mate
Footballer or stripper (if paid by a footballer)
The highest paid African footballer is the Cameroon striker Samuel Etoo, he gets paid about 13 million pounds a year.
I think they get paid 8,000 a week but bit depends on the footballer
They would not be paid anything officially, they are paid for playing for their team, generally not for their performance.
a footballer gets paid too much money
50 000 000
Wayne Rooney - £225,000 p/w
The highest paid footballer is Christiano Ronaldo at Real Madrid.
It is John Terry who is the highest paid footballer.
The highest paid footballer in Spain in 1999 was the Brazilian and Barcelona striker Rivaldo.