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Male Professional Soccer players salaries vary considerably depending on skill, position, team and country. i can only speak for European players so its probably much less for US players where soccer is not as popular. it can range from a decent salary of about

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19y ago
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15y ago

It depends on the position you play,your ranks, and of course what country or club you play of the best soccer players in the world, Cristiano Ronaldo gets over $278,797 per week.His earnings all depend on the info above.

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10y ago

There are many questions alike this one and the answer can only be one:.Soccer is now a combination of two main things:

A) It's both a professional and an amateur or semi-pro type of sport, and all forms may play together in every single season, in national cups, that involved all kinds of clubs. This is one of the best aspects of the game. It's not like other sports where professional players only plays against professionals.

B) At least since the mid 1990's, soccer also became a worldwide industry, and most top clubs became business and companies. The team salary cap is established by each club. The old idea of a player-loves-club-shirt is just a thing of the past. Meaning that the richer clubs pays better and,logically, they have the best players. Since clubs are companies, top Leagues are major companies too. So, like in any other kind of industries, there are bigger and smaller companies. The big Leagues companies are the ones that usually pays more overall between all clubs (Spain-Italy-France-Germany-England), though in recent years (again, money talks) there are also good players moving to other markets, like the Russian League, for instance. Yes, Brazilians play in cold Russia.

So you cannot have a worldwide average of professional payments, since all countries have their own size of industry. That is the reason some great players are moving to less competitive leagues, because some clubs have larger revenues. If one team wants one talented player, they just have to pay more than his current club. That is the main reason also good players prefer smaller clubs of those mentioned top leagues over known clubs in other smaller (revenues) leagues.

Because if one professional player has a top paycheck in one country (let's imagine the Netherlands - around 125,000€ per month) he is bought by a smaller English club but that pays him around 112,000€ per week. He will not hesitate, despite having less chances to win titles and even play in the European Cups. His dream is to make constant good performances so any of the top 5 best\richer clubs in the same league catch him and then he will be receiving about 700,000€ per month, and having the chance to play and win big titles - and that is very hard to achieve, good performances from him need to be constant.

Those are the "new rules" of the game.

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14y ago

It depend on how valuable he is and the more valuable the more he is going to get paid because most would want him on there team.

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It really does depend on the players calibare. The better you are as a player and the more known you are to the public the more you earn.

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if he is on the cover or sponsering the came yes, but i think its in the contract as soon as you become a professional athlete

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