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Q: How much does a basketball goal weigh on earth?
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How much is a goal worth in basketball?


How much does a basketball weigh on all planets?

The weight of a basketball would vary on each planet depending on its gravity. The weight of a basketball on Mars would be about 0.38 times its weight on Earth, on the Moon it would be about 0.17 times its weight on Earth, and on Jupiter it would be about 2.36 times its weight on Earth.

How much does a 28.5 basketball weigh?

It should weigh about 6-7 lbs

If a basketball weighs 13.5 ounces plus one half a basketball how much doesw a basketball weigh?

TURD ounces

How much is a non penalty goal worth in basketball?

2 points

If you weigh 102 lb on earth how much would you weigh on earth?

You would weigh 102 lb.

How much does a basketball weigh in kilos?

1.5 Kilos is the heaviest, but typically the ball would weigh around 800 grams

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If you weigh 77 on earth how much do you weigh on the moon?

About 12.8

If you weigh 100lbs on earth how much do you weigh on Miranda?

On Miranda, which is one of Uranus' moons, you would weigh approximately 91.7 lbs. This is due to Miranda's weaker gravitational pull compared to Earth.

How much does the air in a basketball weigh?

A standard male basketball weighs 22 ounces. A standard women's basketball weights 18-20 ounces.

If you weigh 90 pounds on earth how much would you weigh on earth?

If you weigh 90 pounds on Earth, you would still weigh 90 pounds on Earth. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object, so it remains constant regardless of the location on Earth.