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7-9 IBs

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

22 ounces

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Q: How much does a men's basketball weigh?
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How much does a NBA basketball wiegh?

Mens basketball size is 29.5" in circumference and weighs 22 ounces.

How much do mens scrotum's weigh?

nine pounds on average

What is the same of mens basketball and women basketball?

everything is the same except the three point line is farther away in mens basketball

How much does a mens shot put weigh?

16 lbs.

How much does a 28.5 basketball weigh?

It should weigh about 6-7 lbs

What is the Australia team name for the basketball in the olympic games?

the Australian mens basketball team is called the boomers the Australian mens basketball team is called the boomers

How much does X-mens saber-toothed weigh?

275 lbs (125 Kg)

How much does a pair of mens lee jeans weigh?

Put them on some scales and find out

What is the weight and circumference of a regulation NCCA mens basketball?

20 to 22 ounces and 29.5 to 30 inches in circumference for mens basketball.

When was Al Wahda Damascus Mens Basketball Team created?

Al Wahda Damascus Mens Basketball Team was created in 1928.

What is the official basketball for the ncaa mens basketball tournament?

The Wilson Soultion

If a basketball weighs 13.5 ounces plus one half a basketball how much doesw a basketball weigh?

TURD ounces