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Football cleats like anything else can cost from very little to a whole lot! Brands link Nike and Under Armor cost more than say an off brand. If you are looking for a team purchase.....consider calling XO Sports (866.496.4327). Great deals and team pricing abound! The staff really knows their gear and they always make my purchases fit in my budget!

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Cleats can range from $20 to over $100, depending on the age of the person, their shoe size, and the sport in which they will use the shoes. Go to a sporting goods store and research pricing and type.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It definitely depends on the type of cleats you are buying. They don't all cost the same amount.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

about fitty dolar butts

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βˆ™ 13y ago

can range from $20-$500 or more

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βˆ™ 12y ago

$20-300 to customize

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Q: How much do football cleats cost?
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How much will good quality football cleats cost?

Football cleats come in two different heights with each one geared a little bit differently to cater to the needs of all players - what position your son plays and his playing ability is key in deciding.

Are baseball cleats the same as football cleats?

No there is a difference between baseball cleats and football cleats. Football cleats are used for traction and are screw in type, where as baseball cleats are not they are put there for keeps they also are longer in size. here is a site that explains what I am saying but better

How much money do cleats cost?


What kind of shoes does a football player have?

Footballers wear cleats, shoes with studs on the bottom to get a good grip in the wet soil.

Is it feasible to wear football cleats for playing softball and what are the pros and cons and differences?

You can wear football cleats for softball/baseball. They will not perform as well though. Depending on your level of play this may not mean much...less than a tenth of a second in a 90' base path. You CAN NOT wear softball/baseball cleats in most other sports. Baseball cleats are normally flat and metal. They also have a "toe" cleat that works well in loose dirt. This toe cleat can cause injuries in sports like soccer, and is why they are normally banned. Most kids wear football or soccer cleats for all sports due to their interchangability and the cost of buying multiple cleats. Good football cleats often have interchangable cleats, for different field conditions.

Can you wear soccer cleats as football cleats?

You can wear soccer cleats to play american football but it is less than ideal. Soccer cleats do not have a stud on the toe of the cleat like football cleats do. This make it much easier to run, cut and dig into the grass. Most football cleats are also higher and more supportive than soccer cleats. Although if you are a field goal kicker/ punter or kicker in American Football - they all wear soccer cleats. Basically you CAN wear soccer cleats to play American football but you CAN NOT wear American Football cleats to play Soccer.

Do interchangeable football cleats come with plastic tips and metal tips?

Football cleats are heavier and more supportive, whereas baseball cleats are lighter. Baseball cleats can use metal spikes, while those are not used for football cleats. Studs on baseball cleats tend to have the same length, while for football cleats, the length varies. :D your welcome !

Are the Nike Zoom Hyperfly Football Cleats metal cleats?


What size are the cleats on football cleats?

The sizes are the same as any shoe.

Which cleats are lighter football ones or soccer ones?

Soccer cleats generally are much lighter and the lightest, the adizero, weigh only 6 oz.

Which should i buy football or baseball cleats?

It all depends on which sport you're going to be playing. If you're playing football, buy football cleats; if you're playing baseball, buy baseball cleats. Here's why: Baseball cleats have a special cleat on the right side of the shoe, allowing a player to better grip the ground as they're pivoting to run bases. Football cleats are also typically longer and sharper than baseball cleats. There's also a toe cleat on football cleats that does not exist on baseball cleats (injury hazard).

Do football cleats work better for baseball than baseball cleats?

For youth Baseball it probably doesn't make that much difference, but for adult baseball (high school ball and higher), metal baseball cleats are allowed and are more effective than plastic football cleats. Plus, they don't wear down as easily.