labro and kobys age
He was 6'7'' age 16
LeBron James was born on December 30, 1984, which makes him 26 years old.
LeBron James was 21 when he scored 50 points
it was lebron James he was 18 yrs. of age.
Lebron James, it was Kobe before him. However this is age, not fewest games played.
James Avery weighed 242lbs at the time of his death. James Avery died December 31, 2013 at the age of 68.
== == == == That depends on what age. In most ages, I would take Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time. At a younger age, probably LeBron James, mainly because he is just a beast on the offensive end and is turning into a great blocker in the league, right up there with Dwight Howard. Jordan will...Jordan in his prime time could be LeBron James in his but, If LeBron would work on his outside shot it would be a close game between them but for now MJ
James Avery weighed 242lbs at the time of his death. James Avery died December 31, 2013 at the age of 68.