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Q: What is Kobe Bryant and lebron James age?
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Who is the youngest nba player to score 16000 points?

Lebron James, it was Kobe before him. However this is age, not fewest games played.

Who is better Kobe are lebron?

this is argueable but most will say ATM Kobe Bryant but he's already 32 so his age is coming in a few seasons lebron will be better

Who is the youngest starter in NBA all-star game?

The answer is Kobe Bryant he was 19 years,175 days. He started in the 1998 all-star game . From then and now Kobe has stared in the all star game and he is going to win this year 2011 at Los Angeles, Calafornia.

How can LeBron James be better than Kobe Bryant?

This is an opinion question. Some are displayed below.LeBron James is by far the better basketball player. Championships mean nothing, because you have a good team to help you out. Kobe has his championships. If LeBron James had someone to help him out in all of his years, he would have a championship every year. LeBron is the best player in the NBA and will most likely finish his career as the best basketball player to ever play the game.Kobe Bryant is a better player than Lebron James to this point in time. Lebron James even admits that Kobe is better. Many people consider James to be overrated. Kobe has 4 games scoring 60 or more points in his career including an 81 point game. He has gone 4 straight games scoring 50 or more points. He also has 3 championships along side Shaq. Lebron has not yet won a championship and does not have any 60 point games, and at this time, his team is not doing as well as Kobe's. Remember Kobe is better Lebron admits it.But the Cavaliers have beat the Lakers the last few times.LeBron James is a better player than Kobe Bryant. Although Kobe's scoring average has been higher than LeBron's through the four seasons that James has been in the NBA, LeBron's career regular season average is 26.7 while Kobe stands at 24.6. LeBron dominates Kobe in career rebounding and assists averages with 6.7 and 6.4 as opposed to Kobe's statistics of 5.2 and 4.5. Since LeBron James and Kobe Bryant both came out of high school to enter the NBA, it is fair to compare the two at the same age. Throughout his first four NBA seasons, LeBron's career numbers stand at 26.7 points per game, 6.7 rebounds per game, and 6.4 assists per game. Kobe merely averaged 15.9, 3.9, and 3.0. Besides the numbers, LeBron's impact and ability to make his teammates better is greater than that of Kobe's. LeBron is trusted and respected by his teammates and everyone around him. The same cannot be said for Kobe Bryant. Also, LeBron James is only 22 years old and is being compared to a player who is 28. You saw the numbers through their first four seasons, compare Kobe, the player he is now, to LeBron in 6 years.Kobe Bryant is better than anyone in the NBA right now, Lebron James cannot be compared to him in shooting jumpers or free throws.LeBron is the best player between the two, maybe the best player ever. Kobe won with a big man, like Shaq , and a good team. LeBron took his team to the Finals with no other great players to support him.Kobe is much better than LeBron, having the wisdom of experience.

How tall was Kobe Bryant at age of 13?

5 feet 5 feet

Was lebron James drafted by the NBA from high school?

No. Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, Dwight Howard, Andrew Bynum and other people have come straight out of highschool.

Was Kobe Bryant better than Lebron James in high school?

This is an opinion question. Add yours at the bottom.Kobe was drafted 13th overall, but LeBron was first overall. Lebron was (and is) much stronger in the paint.---Bryant was better then, and he's better now.---At the age of 24, LeBron is better than Kobe on the "points, rebounds, and assists" category in 2009-2010, and was the leader of that category in 2008. He dominated in high school, was rookie of the year, and the number one draft pick (out of high school). Kobe has 4 championships to LeBron's 1, but Michael Jordan did not win a championship until his 7th year.---

How tall was Kobe Bryant at the age of 15?

Kobe Bryant was around 6 feet tall at the age of 15.

When Kobe was at the age of 24 was he better than lebron James to which James is at now?

Yes Kobe was better because he had already had 3 championship rings under his belt and so far as of 2009 lebron has none. Kobe had Shaq on his team when he won the 3 championships and Shaq won finals MVP every time. Did Lebron have any superstar on his team when he was 24? No. Overall Lebron and Kobe had different skills and played different positions so you have to take that into account also. In my opinion, Lebron was better.

Can lebron James jump higher then Michael Jordan?

Why Kobe Bryant is better than LeBron James:Today, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James are both regarded as members of the NBA's top tier of best players. Many NBA fans often argue to which is better, thinking that it is too close to compare the two. Although LeBron James is a much more athletic player than Kobe Bryant will ever be and is an individual that possesses much more strength, speed and ability, there is still no doubt in my mind that LeBron will never be better than Kobe. Probably the biggest reason why LeBron won't reach the likes of Kobe is due to his lack of championships. LeBron has reached the finals twice in his NBA career and still hasn't claimed a single ring. Players such as Bill Russell, Magic Johnson, Tim Duncan, Michael Jordan, and Wilt Chamberlain have enhanced their legacy by the amount of championships they have obtained; something that LeBron can't relate to. LeBron is a hybrid player that appears to only arrive once in a generation. Still, his goal; like any other NBA player is to win a championship. Kobe Bryant has won five NBA championships and has made the playoffs almost every single year he has been in the league. As gifted as James is, he won't be considered as great a player as Kobe if he doesn't live up to his "King James" nickname and win a ring.Another reason why LeBron will never be compared to Kobe Bryant is because he has a large ego. In my opinion, Kobe has tremendous self-esteem but LeBron's far exceeds that. Just look at how he handled his migration to Miami. There was an entire show to broadcast his "Decision." When he arrived in Miami, you could see his ego glowing across the court with his winks, smiles and yells at the crowd and his constant pleads with the ref on a borderline call. James has been paired with two other superstars in Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. It was obvious that the three of them wanted to gather in Miami and simply wanted to drag it out to gain as much publicity as they could. And who could forget LeBron's speech to his debut in Miami? Not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven... Who promises this? Well, Kobe Bryant sure doesn't. Although Bryant does have an extremely large amount of self-confidence and pride, he knows that hard work and determination proves to win championships. While LeBron's antics are seen during games, Kobe's approach to the game is far different. The Laker great has been described as the most competitive player on the court who desperately wants to back up his legacy with rings and not thundering dunks. Although James' dunks are impressive to say the least, championships last forever. Highlights, on the other hand, last nightly.The next reason to why Kobe will be regarded as a better player than LeBron James is his shot. Have you seen LeBron's shot? Between him and Kobe, there is no comparison when looking at their shots. A jump shot in basketball is probably the main reason to why we watch basketball games in the first place. Just seeing the ball swish through the net makes you want to love the game forever. Well, not many would pick wanting to watch LeBron's shot over Kobe's. In addition, Kobe Bryant's range of difficulty in shots has proven to be exponentially greater than James. I can't even count how many fade away three point shots, kiss off the backboard shots and buzzer-beating shots I have seen coming off of Kobe's fingertips than LeBron's. That leads me to my next point: LeBron cannot make a shot is not a clutch player. In fact, Derek Fisher, Robert Horry and Bruce Bowen are better shooters in crunch time than James. As seen in the 2011 NBA Playoffs, LeBron had trouble making anything in the final quarter. Kobe, on the other hand, has shown to have had much more positive results. Bryant has saved his Lakers from playoff defeat more than once in his career and is perhaps the reason why he has won so many championships.Now that I have told you the basics to why Kobe Bryant is better than LeBron, let's go to the history books. I'll start off with a few figures that illustrates just how amazing Kobe really is. First, Kobe has scored forty points in a game one hundred and twenty-two times to James' eighteen. Bryant has amassed twenty fifty-point games to LeBron's nine. Also, Kobe has scored sixty points four times in his career; something LeBron has yet to accomplish once. And let's not forget Bryant's 81-point performance against the Toronto Raptors. With this, Kobe's career high in points in a single game is 25 more points than James. That's quite a difference. Next, Kobe has averaged thirty points during his career three times and has been named NBA MVP in his career. Although LeBron is right with him in these categories, Kobe dominates LeBron in terms of how much more he had scored in these years (35.4 ppg vs. 31.4 ppg) and has been paired with far greater players than LeBron had in Cleveland. Since this is the case, Bryant has had to share his role of scoring than James. When looking at the all-star games and playoffs, Kobe destroys LeBron in every category. Kobe has won a total of four NBA All-Star MVP Awards to LeBron's two. In the playoffs, Kobe has totaled 5,280 points: third most in NBA history. LeBron doesn't even reach the top twenty-five. Although everyone considers Kobe to be an amazing offensive player, he has won eleven all-NBA Defensive Awards. LeBron has won three, despite his gifted athleticism and jumping ability. Kobe is also a recipient of fourteen All-Star appearances and thirteen all-NBA teams. LeBron is an eight-time All-Star and seven-time all-NBA player. Finally, Kobe is a two-time Final MVP. LeBron has...won zero, as we all know too well.Yet another cause to how Kobe has demonstrated to be a better player than LeBron is embedded in his loyalty. Kobe Bryant has spent all of his sixteen seasons in the NBA as a Laker. LeBron James has not. In fact, his former fans have expressed their discontent with their old superstar by burning his jerseys and booing him constantly whenever he arrives back in Cleveland. Kobe Bryant is also a much more resilient player than LeBron, playing through injuries like they are nothing. He has put up amazing stats despite broken, dislocated and sprained fingers, sprained wrists and ankles, pulled hamstrings and flus, fevers and concussions. LeBron hasn't really had many injuries, perhaps due to his amazing physique. When he has had injuries, LeBron often has had a bad attitude and blames his injury for the cause of the loss of the game or his bad performance. Don't get me wrong: LeBron is a tough player but whines and complains far too much. Kobe is a man and doesn't let injuries interfere with his attitude or determination. The game is all about business for him. Kobe has never had the amount of athleticism as LeBron. Bryant has had to work a great deal in order to achieve the results that he has accomplished over the years.In conclusion, there are many aspects to why Kobe Bryant is better than LeBron James. Kobe, in my mind, will be regarded as one of the best shooters the game has ever seen. He is a proven player who has won five championships and has an extraordinary attitude for the game. He is currently fifth all-time in scoring and ranks in all the top categories of stats in NBA history. Although LeBron will likely pass Kobe in many areas of the game, he will never live up to the legacy that Kobe has brought to the NBA. He is perhaps the only player that rivals Michael Jordan. In a recent interview, Jordan has explained that Kobe is the one player that is even considered to be up there with "His Airness." Until LeBron wins a few championships and dominates as much as Kobe has for the last decade, it will be hard to compare the two. Just think how good Kobe would've been with LeBron's type of body. James has all the tools to be the greatest player in NBA history. Yet, we still haven't seen it. It will probably take another couple years to see just how close LeBron gets to Kobe. Even so, LeBron will have to win the next five championships just to tie with Kobe. By that time, he will be 32; almost the same age as Kobe is now. It doesn't look too good for LeBron. Don't get me wrong: LeBron is an amazing player and I am a Laker fan. Still, I am not a huge fan of Kobe but I know, along with the rest of the world, who has been proven to be a far better player. All players, coaches, reporters, analysts and even myself have made their picks. It just all points to Kobe.Written by: PTThis is no contest- LeBron James is the better basketball player. Kobe has a better team, and thus, Lebron is far better.Lebron James is better because he beats Kobe in pretty much everything statistically with his stats, and with his leadership. When he first came in to the NBA he was about as mature as a player as you could get. Kobe struggled when he first came into the NBA but he has come a long way since. Lebron is just a more dominating player than Kobe because I mean first of all look how big he is 6 feet 8 inches tall 250 pounds. I mean this man is built like a tank and he's so fast for his size. And he has also made the cavs so much more greater of a team in his 6 years in the NBA and now they are the number 1 team in the NBA and are in the eastern conference finals and he also is the 2008-2009 MVP, and got second for defensive player of the year award. Now Kobe may have 3 rings to hold to his name but that's because he had people to help him out. Lebron has had to do it all till now. So bottom line is I think Lebron is better than Kobe. LeBron has better Stats because he has a better team 2 help him Kobe Carries his team and in some games has no help whatsoever Kobe has a way better Shot did Lebron have a 81 point game?

What age did kobe Bryant get his ring?

He achieved his first ring at the age of 21

How old is Kobe Bryant exactly?

30 years of age.