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150+ depending on the round. probably hard to find much under 200.

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Between $575 million and $600 million.

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I believe 391M

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Q: How much are Montreal Canadiens playoff tickets?
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How much are the tickets to watch the Montreal Canadiens?

Tickets will range from $157-$25. The price will very depending on who the opponent is and if it is a regular season or preseason game.

The Montreal canadiens were sold in 2009 for how much?


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Are Montreal canadiens fans paying too much money for a hockey ticket?

The tickets are much more expensive but it's worth it. The atmosphere is intense and you never feel like you didnt get enough for your money

How much would a Montreal Canadiens jersey cost?

Way more than it's worth!

When was Montreal Canadiens created?

Officially 1909 there celebrating there 100th year this year, but Montreal has been around much longer then 1909 technically

How much does Scott Gomez make per season?

2010-2011 season with the Montreal Canadiens, $8,000,000 per season.

How much did 2013 Indianapolis Colts playoff tickets cost?

Colts playoff tickets were around $230 (this is about the average price). This estimate was made using the cost of ravens vs colts game. the orignial estimate was $229.12

How much do Phillies tickets sell for?

Ticket prices can vary but the range is anywhere from $0 - $45 for basic tickets. Playoff tickets will cost more but are usually based on location of game.

Are the Montreal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple leafs rivals?

Yes!! Very much. I'm a Leafs fan and I'm always checking the score when they play Montreal, more than any other team.


It depends which card you're referring to. His rookie card with the Montreal Canadiens, 1970-71 OPC, goes for about $200.

How much money do the Montreal Candiens Tickets cost for a family of four?

Tickets for the NHL Montreal Canadien games cost $72.18 each (%288.73 for a family of four). Since season tickets are sold out quickly you can end up paying several thousand dollars to go to a game.