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Q: How many touchdowns did Peyton Manning throw in college?
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How many touchdowns did Peyton Manning throw in 2008?

Peyton Manning threw 27 touchdowns in 2008.

How many touchdowns did Peyton Manning throw during the 2007 season?

Peyton Manning threw 31 touchdowns in 2007.

How many touchdowns did Peyton Manning Throw for in 2005?


How much touchdowns did Peyton Manning throw in one season?


How many touchdowns did Peyton Manning throw to beat dan marino's record?

60 touchdowns in a single season

How many touchdowns did Peyton Manning throw in 2006?

Manning threw 31 TD passes in the 2006 season.

What year did Peyton Manning throw 50 TDs?

He has never trown 50 touchdowns. Tom brady has thrown 50, but Peyton manning has only thrown 49 in one season.

How many touchdowns did Peyton Manning throw in 2004?

49, which at the time was an NFL record. Tom Brady broke Manning's record in 2007 by throwing 50 TD passes.

Who did Peyton Manning throw his 48 touchdown pass to?


What hand does Peyton Manning throw with?

he throws with the right hand.

Which quarterback has throw for the most touchdowns?

patin or elie manning one or the other

Who is a better quarterback Peyton Manning or Eli Manning?

Well Cam Newton is better than Peyton Manning because Cam Newton has more rusjing touchdowns than Peyton Manning, Cam Newton is the number 1 NFL best rushing touchdown quarterback for now allthough Peyton is older than Cam Newton Peyton just wants to keep his record as the best quarterback in passing from long distance don't you notice that Peyton dosent like to run he rather throw the ball. Well while that happens we have Cam Newton which he wants to have alot of touchdowns and complete passes. That is why I think That Cam Newton is better he's like the best QB that any team could have but you can't compare him against Eli Manning, or RG3, or Michael Vick. Cam Newton is like my favorite football player