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in the first to quarters each team is allowed to have 3 timeouts. This is the same for the third and fourth quarter's. A team can lose their timeouts if the coach unsuccessfully challenges a play.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Each team is entitled to six (6) charged timeouts during regulation play. Each team is limited to no more than three (3) timeouts in the fourth quarter and no more than two (2) timeouts in the last two minutes of regulation play. (This is in addition to one 20-second timeout per half.) b. During a regular timeout, both teams may have unlimited substitutions. c. In overtime periods each team shall be allowed three (3) 60-second timeouts regardless of the number of timeouts called or remaining during regulation play or previous overtimes. Teams are permitted no more than two timeouts in the last two minutes of the period. d. There must be two 100-second timeouts in the first and third periods and three 100-second timeouts in the second and fourth periods. If neither team has taken a timeout prior to 5:59 of the first or third period, it shall be mandatory for the Official Scorer to take it at the first dead ball and charge it to the home team. If no subsequent timeouts are taken prior to 2:59, it shall be mandatory for the Official Scorer to take it and charge it to the team not previously charged. If neither team has taken a timeout prior to 8:59 of the second or fourth period, a mandatory timeout will be called by the Official Scorer and charged to neither team. If there are no subsequent timeouts taken prior to 5:59, it shall be mandatory for the Official Scorer to take it at the first dead ball and charge it to the home team. If no subsequent timeouts are taken prior to 2:59, it shall be mandatory for the Official Scorer to take it and charge it to the team not previously charged. The Official Scorer shall notify a team when it has been charged with a mandatory timeout. Any additional timeouts in a period beyond those which are mandatory shall be 60 seconds. No regular or mandatory timeout shall be granted to the defensive team during an official's suspension-of-play for (1) a delay-of-game warning, (2) retrieving an errant ball, (3) an inadvertent whistle, or (4) any other unusual circumstance.

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16y ago

The concept of "time out" is unknown in soccer. The referee may halt play while an injured player is attended to. Such time added on at the end of the official time period, as "injury time".

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14y ago

Each games get 2 time outs for 30sec long. There are 3 games in a match.

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14y ago

None. Soccer has no option a team to ask for a time out.

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10y ago

2 for each team

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15y ago

3 per team

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12y ago


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