soccer--2 syllables is--1 syllable a--1 syllable fun--1 syllable game--1 syllable 6 total syllables
It's really fun
There are three syllables. Fun-ni-er.
Soccer (football) is a world sport for peace and happiness fun teamwork trying your hardest
Soccer, football, basketball and baseball is involved all in one game in Australia called Footy. Very fun game.
one, uno
one isn't it
8 syllables. She - is - cre-a-tive - and - fun-ny.
it is a fun and challenging game
they played a game like soccer with a ball and sticks.
Many people play soccer for fun in many countries, including Mexico. Sport isn't just about money.
Slime Soccer is a fun game where one chooses a country to represent and then they play against another country and have a slime duel. One player and two player slime soccer is available.