In a game of volleyball, a player has 10 seconds to serve the ball. Once you get the ball, wait for the ref to blow his whistle. This indicates that you can serve. If you toss but dont like it, let the ball drop. The ref will blow his whistle and you may start over, with a new 10 seconds. But, you can only re-toss once.
After the referee blows the whistle for a player to serve, the server has 5 seconds to start his/her serve. That person continues to serve until the other team gets a point.
It means you want the ball back from the team that is serving at you. IN other words, you want the ball back so your team can serve.
it is the team who will be serving the ball or the team who will put the ball to play.
A player has five seconds to inbound the ball, if he/she has not inbound the ball in five seconds, it's a "turnover" the other team gets the ball.
The team has 8 seconds to get the ball over the half-court line. its 8 seconds in the NBA but in college and below a team has 10 seconds
Scenario: Team A and Team B Team A has posession of the ball (i.e they are serving) They serve two points in a row, and then Team B gets the third. Team B will then rotate and serve the ball. It's basically when a team gets a chance to serve after the other team had posession. Hope this helps!
when the other team misses the serve, when the other team hits the ball more then 3 times, when the other team hits it out of bounce, when you serve the ball and its in and the other team doesnt touch it, there a lot of ways to get the point in volleyball
Five seconds. But not very many referees go by this rule in levels such as high school and middle school volleyball.
A loss of serve means that the team that was supposed to serve is out of rotation or has a penalty exacted against them. It also can mean that the server did not make the serve over the net, and possession of the ball is given to the other team.
It is called serve receive.
In the NBA, if the ball is kicked, regardless of whether the ball goes out of bounds, the shot clock is reset to 14 seconds if there are less than 14 seconds on it at the time of the kicked ball and stays the same if there are more than 14 seconds on it at the time of the kicked ball.