It means you want the ball back from the team that is serving at you. IN other words, you want the ball back so your team can serve.
The official volleyball term for this would be a bump. But it is referred to most commonly as a bump. This is the first mvoe made when in serve recieve.
It means to volley the ball.
It is a kind of service seldomly used in volleyball. It is similar to side serve but the difference is the ball contact is over the head.
side out in volleyball means time to take rest. a team can take 3 side outs per set. the time of a side out will be approximately 30 sec...
The linesmen are officials in Volleyball games. They stay on the edge on the court and assist the 1st referee on in/out calls.
They are using the rally point system which mean they can score no matter which side served. They are using the rally point system which mean they can score no matter which side served.
an AVP is a volleyball league which has a volleyball brand,which makes that a common term.
The Term "Assist" in volleyball is when someone hits the ball into the net on your side of the court and a different team mate hits the ball after it falls out of the net. Generally the hit is directed to the opposite side of the net.
side out in volleyball means time to take rest. a team can take 3 side outs per set. the time of a side out will be approximately 30 sec...
Your platform is the area between your wrists and elbow where the ball makes contact
volleyball in a movie
there are no strikes in volleyball.