The rules for the sport Lacrosse can be found on many online sites such as US Lacrosse, Dick's Sporting Goods, Wikihow, Laxpower, and Inside Lacrosse.
Same as mens.
This became Canada's notions sport for womans lacrosse on July 1st 1867.
No. It was strictly designed for mens lacrosse. They had to make it oddly shaped to pass NCAA standards.
* lacrosse for dummies * lacrosse:technique and tradition *lacrosse: rules, tips , strategy and safety
No in womens lacrosse. I'm fairly certain you can in mens because the face is protected.
lacrosse is "globilized" and there are even international tournaments in mens and womens lacrosse. Even though the United States is the dominant team in international play there are teams in Australia, Europe and Asia.
It is difficult to say that the rules of lacrosse are standardized. Each league and age group has slightly different rules and each group was set up at different times.
yes, it does. it also has a mens team
At the moment SYRACUSE and VIRGINIA for mens and NORTHWESTERN for womens
find the chicken.