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normally 0 to 3 pucks

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about 75 fit in the net

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Q: How many pucks does it take to fill a hockey net?
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Can you use hockey pucks for wheels on a mousetrap car?

Naturally you can use anything round for the wheels of your car. In the event you are looking to maximize the distance traveled by your car, hockey pucks might be a poor choice though. This is because it would take a large amount of energy to get the heavy hockey pucks rolling due to their large mass. Perhaps the most ideal wheels to maximize the distance traveled would be thin wheels with most of the center removed (you should be minimizing mass wherever possible). You also want to use a large wheel radius, so you get the longest distance for each spin of the wheel. There is a lot of engineering that goes into these cars, and a lot of trial and error will be involved to maximize your car. Good luck!

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It depends,and why are you doing that??;)

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