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In the NFL, after a touchdown the ball is placed on the two yard line. In college, the ball is placed at the three yard line. So it's a 19 yard kick in the NFL, 20 yard kick in College.

10 yards for the length of the endzone + 7 yards that the kicker and holder are set up behind the line of scrimmage + 2 yards, for the ball being placed on the 2 yard line(or 3 for college.

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17y ago

After a touchdown in the NFL the ball is placed at the two yard line for the conversion. Generally, when teams make a place kick, the holder kneels down 7 yards behind the line of scrimmage. That would mean the ball would be held for the kicker about 19 yards from the goal posts.

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14y ago

One point. The team also has an option to do a play after they score a touchdown, which is called a two point conversion. In this the team can run one pay in an effort to score two points instead of one point by kicking it through the uprights (the yellow poles in the endzone).

So yes,

Kick after touchdown, One point

Two point conversion, Two points

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Q: How many points is a field goal after a touchdown?
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What is a field goal and how many points are awarded?

A field goal is when a team kicks the ball through the two goalposts (not an extra point, which is a kick taken after a touchdown). A field goal is worth 3 points

How many points in a fake field goal?

If the team is faking the field goal on an extra point, or PAT, (point after touchdown), and successfully make it in the endzone, their team receives two points. But if the team is faking the field goal before they have scored a touchdown, and successfully make it into the endzone, their team receives six points, and get to try the extra point on the play after.

How many point is touch down?

It is usually 14 points depending on whether you make the field goal. A touchdown is 6 points and if you make the field goal then it is 7 points total. So if you make another touchdown on top of that it would be 14 points.

How many points is a blocked field goal returned for a TD worth?

If the defense blocks a field goal attempt and is able to pick up the ball and return it to the end zone it is a touchdown. It would be considered the same as if they picked up a fumble and returned it for a touchdown. Therefore it is worth 6 points.

How many points is a drop-kick field goal worth in the NFL if it is not after a touchdown?

A field goal is worth three points regardless of whether it is place kicked or drop kicked.

How many points are in a touchdown in football?

When you score a touchdown in American football, Six points are awarded. You then have the choice to either kick the ball ball through the goalposts for one extra point, or run another play for two extra points.

Why is there six points in a touchdown instead of ten points in a touchdown?

That's just the way the point system evolved. A touchdown is harder to get than a field goal, so you get twice as many points for a TD, plus you get a chance to tack on a bonus point afterward. The original scoring system was 2 points for a TD, 4 points for the point after, 5 points for a field goal, and 2 points for a safety. That reflected the emphasis on kicking in the early days. But as the game moved more toward running and passing, the point system changed to reflect the value of a touchdown over a kicked score.

How many ways can a football team score 18 points excluding 2 point conversions?

9 safeties 6 safeties & 2 field goals 3 safeties & 4 field goals 6 field goals 6 safeties & 1 touchdown without extra point 3 safeties, 2 field goals & 1 touchdown without extra point 4 field goals & 1 touchdown without extra point 4 safeties, 1 field goal & 1 touchdown with extra point 1 safety, 3 field goals & 1 touchdown with extra point 3 safeties & 2 touchdowns without extra points 2 field goals and 2 touchdowns without extra points 1 safety, 1 field goal, 1 touchdown without extra point & 1 touchdown with extra point 2 safeties & 2 touchdowns with extra points 3 touchdowns without extra points

Why is a touchdown 6 points?

Because It Is.ANSWERThat's just the way the point system evolved. A touchdown is harder to get than a field goal, so you get twice as many points for a TD, plus you get a chance to tack on a bonus point afterward.The original scoring system was 2 points for a TD, 4 points for the point after, 5 points for a field goal, and 2 points for a safety. That reflected the emphasis on kicking in the early days. But as the game moved more toward running and passing, the point system changed to reflect the value of a touchdown over a kicked score.

How many pts for a field goal?

3 points for a field goal.

How many points is a touchdown worth in ultimate football?

A "touchdown" or "goal" is considered one point in Ultimate Frisbee. Games are commonly played up to thirteen points.

How many points is a field goal worth in football?

3 points. But a drop kick (which is similar to a field goal) is worth 2 points. A drop kick is where you drop the ball on the ground and let it bounce up in the air then kick it through the goal posts. This is very difficult to do and is very rarely tried in the nfl.