The regulation time on the clock for a NHL hockey game is 60 minutes (3 periods). If the score is tied, overtime is 5 minutes. Then come a shootout which is first 3 rounds, then if still tied, goes until one team wins. There are timeouts and such in the hockey game, so never is it 1 hour of actual time.
Icehockey :)
London Knights
lemer odem
Three periods of 20 minutes!
No, playtime is a modern innovation. The Roman children spent their six hours studying, with breaks for snacks and exercise.
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Be very strict, send out bad pupils and make them lose all there playtimes until the finally behave.
yes ten sports jokes soccer rugby baseball hockey icehockey cricket american football lacrosse basketball rugby league
To start a game of icehockey the two team captains face each other in the middle and the umpire drop the puck in between them and its GAME ON