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Q: How long is an icehockey game?
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How do you start a game of ice hockey?

To start a game of icehockey the two team captains face each other in the middle and the umpire drop the puck in between them and its GAME ON

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What is one Finland sport?

Icehockey :)

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Which icehockey team in London?

London Knights

Who are the famous players of the wildcats icehockey team?

lemer odem

Can you say 10 sports?

yes ten sports jokes soccer rugby baseball hockey icehockey cricket american football lacrosse basketball rugby league

What' the name of ALexander ovechkin's sister?

He doesn't have a sister. He have one brother. he had two but when ovechkin was 10 he died in a car accident. he was the one who makes possible that ovechkin can play icehockey.

Tincaps game how long do they last?

How long is a tinncaps game

Does game have a long a sound?

No, the word 'game' does not have a long E sound. 'Game' has a long A sound, but the E is silent. The silent E is a clue that the A has a long A sound.

How long is the game for?

as long as it takes

How long is the game infamous?

Infamous is a rather long game, it will take you at least a day, in my opinion, it is worth it.