5-7 innings
7 pitches
A Major League baseball has a very short lifespan. The average ball only lasts for six pitches. There are nearly 160,000 baseballs used each year during the regular season.
MLB. The average life span of a MLB ball is 5 pitches
The average career span for a Major League Baseball player is 5.6 years. For a player in the National Football League it is only 3.5 years and for an NBA player, the average career is just short of 5 years.
233 pitches
It was 26 pitches
Foul balls, pitchers throw the ball into the dirt and the ball gets scuffed, home runs
.262 The American League's average was .266 and the National League's average was .258.
According to numbers published by the Major League Baseball Players Association, the average player salary in 1969 was $24,909. The league minimum that season was $10,000.