

How many periods are in an NHL game?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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9y ago

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A regulation NHL game consists of three 20-minute periods. Depending on the amount of breaks during the first and second periods, the intermissions between periods can last from 15 to 20 minutes. There are three television timeouts in each period. During the regular season, a game that goes beyond regulation will have a brief timeout (sometimes not long enough for a commercial break) followed by a 5-minute sudden death overtime. As of the 2005-06 season, any game not decided by the end of overtime in the regular season will go to a shootout. In the playoffs, regulation periods and intermissions occur as they do in the regular season. However, shootouts are not implemented and all overtimes are 20 minutes long. Time between peroids is generally shorter, closer to ten minutes, and there are no commercial breaks in overtime. So, there are only Three Periods!!

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How many periods are in a regulation game of hockey?

There are three 20 minute periods in a regulation NHL game.

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Ten (10) minutes.

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there are 3 periods in a NHL game after if it is tied it goes into OT (over time) and if it is still tie game it goes into a shoot out

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Three 20-minute periods are in a regulation Hockey game, and a possible 5-minute to 20-minute overtime.

How many sudden death periods can be played in a hockey playoff game?

In the NHL, as many as are needed to break the tie. The longest NHL game was played March 24, 1936 between the Montreal Maroons and the Detroit Red Wings in the semifinals of the Stanley Cup playoffs. The game went five full overtime periods and 16:30 into the sixth overtime period before Mud Bruneteau scored for Detroit to give them a 1-0 victory. Total time of the game was 176 minutes, 30 seconds.

How many periods are played in a regulation hockey game before overtime is played?

In the NHL, there is one (1) five (5) minute 'sudden death' overtime period during the regular season, followed by a shoot-out if necessary. There is an unlimited amount of twenty (20) minute 'sudden death' periods during the playoffs.

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If you mean "how many periods are there in a hockey game", it's 3, each lasting 20 minutes. If you mean "how many games are there in an NHL season", it's 82, not counting the playoffs which follow.

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What period is on in?

The first of 3 even amounts of time in a hockey game. Hockey has 3 periods per game. It is usually called the 1st period, not period one. Technically an overtime counts is a period, which means games can have an unlimited number of periods. I think the record for an NHL game is 6 overtimes, or 9 periods.

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