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Q: What sports use periods?
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Do any sports besides ice hockey use periods?


What sports have 3 periods?

Ice Hockey

What is the best sports drink to drink while exercising?

Lucozade and Powerade have sugar in, not alot. It is better to have water if you are just excising for 20mins or so. But if you are training for longer periods it is better to use sports drinks.

What sports use a chucker?

Chukkers (or chukkas) are the name of the periods of play in Polo.

Do you use MD or do you put periods after the M and D?

I use MD, without periods after the M and D.

What are some sports that require abdominal strength?

A couple sports that require muscular endurance would be cross country, soccer, swimming, water polo. Any sport that requires you to use the same muscle groups for extended periods of time.

How many periods are there in the numeral 67 254 376?

If you use the European method of separating the number sections, then there are two periods (67.254.376). If you use the US method, then there are no periods (67,254,376).

How many basketball period is in the match?

A wrestling match has no periods or halves like most sports .........

How can you use the word periods in a sentence?

Many disciplines use epochs, eras, and periods to label historical times. I failed my typing test because I put two periods after a sentence. The girl stated her periods were always regular, every 28-days. Three periods typed one after another in writing is called an ellipsis, but two periods is a mistake in punctuation. Emily Bronte, the famous writer, used many periods in her text, an effective use of ellipsis.

How can sports help you to focus in school?

You concentrate a lot in sports. You can use all that concentration and use it for school.

Sports that use ratios?

Mostly all sports use ratios to caculate the number of wins and losses.

Can overexercising cause you to miss your period?

Yes. Many women who are training for sports skip periods because of the extreme training they are doing.