80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, is how many people ecuador soccer in a year or 2. that is awsome to know
Every 2, 3 Years!
The number of people watching soccer is growing rapidly each year. And nw African and Asian countries are also doing well, so the number is ia few million people .
So that people go out and buy the new soccer ball every year.
He's a 22 year old kid from Donaghadee orchestrating riots across Belfast and County Antrim, he claims that God told him to save the people of Ulster and start the first of many Fleg Riots across the Provence to discredit his rivals in the DUP/UUP.
Black people have played soccer at all levels since its organization.
Soccer is usually a winter game, but people like to play it all year around.
July 1967
The year soccer player this year is Lionel Messi.
The August 2011 London riots started because of the shooting of 29-year-old Mark Duggan.