There are 5-7 players on the team. It lasts for two half's witch are 22 minutes long. There are no free kicks, only punting. A touchdown is 6 points.
The Offensive Team is the one in possession of the ball.
11 player in a football match
The cast of Epic Flag Football - 2012 includes: Jeremy Driver as Football Player - Team Black Aaron Geiger as Football Player - Team White Jenna Hale as Pregnant Quarterback Mary Vaughan as Football Player - Team White Benjamin Walter Jones as Referee Brandon Westbrook as Football Player - Team White Austin Wiseman as Football Player - Team White Henry Xavier Smith as Football Player - Team Black
there can be up to 55 players on a nfl team.
In flag football, you don't bring the person with the ball to the ground, you just yank one of the flags on their belt off and that is a tackle. Also, you don't wear pads and you can't make contact.
there are 7 on the field
23 obviously
23 players
11 or 7 people are on a rugby team