It depends on the School board, or overall league that the game is played in. I played on my high school hockey team last year, and the period lengths were 15-15-15.
periods in a high school ice hockey game are generally 12-14 minutes in length
Third period starts 40 minutes into the game and lasts 20 minutes.
twenty minutes for each period. There are three periods.
In my high school and versing high schools they are 45 minutes
Same as America. 20 minutes each period (3 periods). A total of 60 minutes of game.
Hockey - in 35 -35 minutes halves.
A regulation hockey game consists of 3 periods that last 20 minutes each and 15 minute intermissions between periods. Each period with stoppages can go for about an average of 30-35 minutes. Therefore a hockey game will typically last about an hour and a half to two hours.
140 minutes
It is always less than 20 minutes during a Hockey game because all three periods start 20 minutes
Minutes of Game Play