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Typically there are two line judges in volleybal. They would stand in opposite corners of the field since each can see two lines different lines of the rectagular playing field.

In more contested games there may be as many as 8, two on each corner, each looking at a different line, and every corner verifying the other corners. In other words two line judges per one line

(two on one sideline, two on the other sideline, two on one endline, and two on the other endline).

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9y ago
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13y ago

Line judges stand on the corner of the court and watch the ball. If the ball lands close to the end line or the side line that the line judge is supposed to be watching, the ref looks to the line judge to call the ball inside or outside of the court. If the ball is in, the line judge puts their hands down, and if it is out, they put their arms up in the air. The line judge also looks to see if the team touches the ball on the block, or in the backrow, before the ball goes out. For example, if there was a ball that was hit and the blockers on the side of the line judge touch the ball before it lands out of bounds, the line judge puts one hand up and the other hand on top of it, kind of like a time out in Basketball.

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14y ago

There are 10 line judges, plus a service judge and an umpire.

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10y ago

It is people who stand on opposite ends on the court in volleyball. They call whether the ball is in or out of the court deciding who gets the point.

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11y ago

In international games, there will be 4 linesmen. But usually at a junior level, there will be 2 linesmen to avoid confusion with the 1st referee.

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14y ago

7 or 8 normally in the pros

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Is there referees in volleyball?

Yes. One referee. Two line judges.

What corners do you position the 2 line judges in high school volleyball?


How many judges in a volleyball match?

one judge will be there i think.

Who is the chie f official in a volleyball game?

There are only 3 officials in a volleyball game . The ref and 2 line judges . The judge has all the real power . The line judges only job is to determine whether a ball landed inside or outside the court and to alert the ref if a server steps over the service line .

Is there a need for linesmen in volleyball?

Yes, there is a need for line judges. When a ball is in a far corner or hits the line, the referee might not have had a good enough view of the ball. This is the job of line judges: to watch two of the line boundaries of the court to determine if the ball is in or out.

What are 4 officials in the game of volleyball and their functions?

Up ref- The main referee Down ref- The second referee Two line judges- Judge the line

Are volleyball line judges suppose to shag the ball?

Yes! Definitely! The players need to keep their head in the game and should not be running after balls. Most line judges end up being from opposing teams and it is common courtesy that the line judge shags the balls!

Who is the chief official for a volleyball game?


How many officials control a game of volleyball?

there is 1 up ref. 1 down ref. 2 line judges 3 book so like 7 people depending what league.

How many referees in volleyball?

there are 2 refs and 2 line watchers

Name the officials in a volleyball match?

The up and the down official. The up is on the ladder and the down stands by the scorers table. Then there are the line judges that stand on the two opposite corners of the court.

How many referee must in volleyball?

there are 2 refs and 2 line watchers