At least five full innings, If he leaves the game before that but with the lead, he is not the winner, the umpires can give the win for whom ever they want to.
Actually, it's the official scorer, not the umpires, who make this decision.
In Major League Baseball, a starting pitcher must complete at least five innings of work and leave the game with his team in the lead in order to be eligible for a win. If a starting pitcher does not complete five innings but leaves with the lead, he can still be awarded the win if his team maintains the lead for the rest of the game. Relief pitchers can also earn wins if they are the most effective pitcher for their team and their team takes the lead while they are in the game.
A starting pitcher needs to pitch at least 5 innings to get the win. Any subsequent pitcher can get the win even if he only retires one batter (or base runner). If the starting pitcher leaves with the lead but without pitching 5 innings, and his team maintains that lead, the official scorer can decide which pitcher to give the win to.
27--three up and three down in each of the nine innings, each one getting out on the fly on the first pitch. 0 - a pitcher comes into a tie game with two outs and a runner on first. He picks off the runner at first for the third out. The next inning his team takes the lead. He is replaced in the next inning and his team continues to go on to win the game without ever giving up the lead. If you want to be that way... The home team is ahead by a good amount--four, say. It's the top of the 9th, and the pitcher was taken out of the game with two outs on the scoreboard because he just allowed a run. If the new pitcher picks off a runner on any base before throwing his first pitch, the game's over right then.
Actually...the minimum number of pitches needed for a win is 24--if the home team is ahead after the top of the 9th, the game's over, so if every opposing batter sits down after the first pitch, only 8-1/2 innings of play are needed. Actually... The minimum would be 52 pitches. The visiting team makes 27 outs (9 innings x 3 outs per inning) on 27 pitches. The home team makes 24 outs (8 innings x 3 outs per inning) on 24 pitches, and the lead-off batter for the Home team hits a home run on the first pitch in the bottom of the first inning, and the Home team would win the game by a score of 1-0. The number of pitches? 27 + 24 + 1 = 52.
Under current rules, a starting pitcher must pitch five innings to get a win, whereas a reliever need only pitch a third of an inning to get a win. When the go-ahead run (that is, the run that puts a team ahead and the other team does not tie or get the lead for the remainder of the game) is scored, the winning pitcher is the last pitcher of the half-inning before the go-ahead run is scored, unless that pitcher is a starter with less than five innings pitched, in which case the official scorer awards the win to one of the relievers. This gives discretion to the official scorer. I would propose the following change which would give a starter more of a chance for a win is to give the first pitcher with the most outs in the entire game the win if the go-ahead run is scored before a reliever takes the mound. This would end situations where a starter pitched 4-1/3 innings and a reliever pitching only one or two innings gets the win at the scorer's discretion when the go-ahead run was scored during the starter's tenure. This rule would cover five inning games as well as exhibition games where pitchers are limited to a certain number of innings.
Example: Pitcher enters the game in the top of the 9th with his team behind by one run. There are two outs and a runner on first. The pitcher picks the runner off of first for the third out before throwing a pitch to the batter. His team scores two runs in the bottom of the 9th to win the game. The pitcher is credited with the win even though he threw 0 pitches.
It depends, the pitcher must be in the game when his/ her team takes the lead. So, the pitcher could be put in an inning with 2 outs, throw one ball that ends up as a ground out or pop up and then the next half inning his/ her team takes the lead. in this case, this 1 pitch pitcher would get the win. The pitcher could also be take out of the game in the next inning but would still have the win
Pitch count has nothing to do with eligibility to be the winning pitcher. In a scheduled 9-inning game, the starting pitcher must pitch 5 complete innings to be eligible to be the winning pitcher. Relief pitchers must be the pitcher of record when the winning team takes the lead, and never relinquishes the lead, to be the winning pitcher.
They have to pitch the complete game...
As many as she can without getting sore. There is no limit like is common in baseball. The softball pitching motion is much more natural and places much less sress on the shoulder if the pitcher's mechanics are correct. Many top softball pitchers can throw two games a day if needed,
A pitcher generates the power for his pitches through his legs. They then release that power in the throw. A pitcher uses almost every muscle in his body at some point during the preparation and execution of a pitch.
It typically takes about 6-8 lemons to make a pitcher of lemonade.
Either One Inning, or One putout or assist. Hope that helped!
you need 5 innings
Yes. Each team gets five turns at bat, so the game can end after four and a half innings if the home team has the lead (and therefore does not need its final turn).
There's three outs per inning. In a nine inning game there would be 27 outs each team would need to record.
Pitcher is a common noun. "Hand me that pitcher, I need some water." "The manager sent in a new pitcher."